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Supply chain strategy

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Copyright © European Logistics Consortium Limited 2001 (all rights reserved)

Burman Associates is a member of the European Logistics Consortium Ltd.

Supply chain strategy

Why have a strategy?

  • Companies who develop and follow strategies perform better than their counterparts who focus only on achieving annual financial targets set in their budgets.
  • However, having a strategy which is capable of fulfillment is rare. Only 40% of senior logistic professionals have a long term "roadmap" to guide their decision-making and help them to deliver the strategy.
  • The creation of an effective supply chain strategy can help identify untapped sources of competitive advantage. Furthermore, by developing a strategy and realistic implementation plan, companies are more likely to achieve their medium to long term goals.
  • Although we traditionally think of competition as being between products or companies, there is compelling evidence to suggest that in the near future, it will be between supply chains.

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